Emily Dickison

Poem Analysis

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Marxist View

God permit industrious angels Afternoons to play. I met one, -- forgot my school-mates, All, for him, straightaway. God calls home the angels promptly At the setting sun; I missed mine. How dreary marbles, After playing the Crown!

Feminist View
She rose to his requirement,dropped The playthings of her life To take the honorable work Of woman and wife If aught she missed in her new day Of amplitude, or awe, Or first prospective,or the gold In using wore away, It lay unmentioned, as the sea Develops pear and weed, But only to himself is known The fathoms the abide

This poem shows the Marxist view point because Emily is stating that God is the power in the poem. God chose the angels that were people were aloud to be around and see. The power that is shown also makes the people want to compete for the crown, which also in return creates a sense of power. It moreover, shows the way people view reaching the top, and forgetting the rest behind, when given the opportunity to do so.

In this poem, it contains a strong view of how women were in the days of Emily Dickinson's time. It started out by stating that when a women finds a man that she falls in love with or vice versa, she is to give up everything in her life just for him to be happy. The title of the poem also says a lot in itself. Women were supposed to be able to fit the standards that the men set for marriage. It goes on about how she may be impressed by what he is able to provide for her in materialistic items, however, she still can miss the times when she was herself and wasn't always living to meet a man's needs.

"Poems by Emily Dickinson." Women's Studies Database Reading Room. March 9, 2008. <http://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=s&hl=en&q=emily+dickinson+poems&btnG=Google+Search>.

Emily Dickinson